A blog about living in Aberdeen, New Jersey.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

History: Wagon House Fire at Cliffwood Hotel; Matawan Journal Ads and Notices (1870)

According to the 15 Oct 1870 edition of The Matawan Journal, the wagon house at the Cliffwood Hotel burned to the ground the night of Saturday 1 October 1870, along with a carriage and buggy that happened to be inside. The cause of the fire was unknown.

A few ads from that page:

It is a fact.
It is the truth,
That Schanck & Holbrook's
Is the place to buy your hats.

Mrs H James,
Paris Millinery
Opposite the Bank, Matawan
Laces and Ribbons

E I Brown
Operative and Mechanical Dentist
Opposite M Bissell's Furniture Warerooms,
Matawan, NJ
All work guaranteed to give satisfaction

     The Commissioners of Appeal will meet at the Hotel of John Farry, Matawan, on November 22, 1870, at 10 am.
     The collector will meet the inhabitants of the Township as follows, to receive taxes: Richard Worrell's Hotel, Mount Pleasant, Tuesday December 13 from 10 am to 3 pm. John Farry's Hotel, Matawan, Wednesday December 14.
     Taxes can be settled at any time before return day, by calling on the collector.
     All unsettled taxes returned December 20th. Twelve percent interest added on all unsettled taxes after December 20th, 1870.
     Benjamin Griggs, Assessor   James H Horner, Collector

     Its ingredients are identical with the component parts of healthy blood.
     As a remedy for all diseases of the throat and lungs it is an infallible Cure, even in the last stages of CONSUMPTION.
     It softens the cough, strengthens the system, and restores the sick to health.
     In chronic of GENERAL DEBILITY and all diseases arising from an impure or impoverished state of the blood,
     And thousands of lives are annually saved by its use. No sick person need despair, for they can enjoy perfect health by the use of Dupont's BLOOD FOOD


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